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– A blog, and collection of various resources, related to epidemiology and public health. Ride the waves≈.

Mads Rohde

My scientific interest involves public health and mainly environmental determinants of health.

Addressing environmental factors has a huge potential for both human and planetary health, and is in my experience often overlooked in many professional communities with power over our health research priorities and public health policies, in favor of life style factors and treatment of disease. Lifestyle is also important for health, but even our lifestyles depend to some degree on the environment we grow up and live in.

“Not a fact blog”

Science involves thinking – often being wrong along the way. A blog is a perfect avenue for sharing thoughts. Sharing ideas provide value, especially in a scientific context. Thinking out loud allows ideas to mature, be discussed, corrected and refined.

The epiWaves blog allows me to place fewer constraints on my thoughts than in other professional works.A blog also lets others pick up ideas that can be improved or studied scientifically. That is the main goal of this blog.

If you are here to determine the truth, you are also welcome. But use your gift of thought, and avoid taking things out of context. Think for yourself and study primary references from the well of scientific studies on your own.


Over the years my attention has been drawn to non-ionizing radiation, or electromagnetic fields (EMF). You might expect a few post related to the EMF topic at this blog, as I share insights gained over the years. I believe the topic should be scrutinized by more scientists from all fields of health and biomedical science, and that research findings and uncertainties in this particularly field of science, underlines the need for bigger efforts and that the precautionary principle should be better applied more broadly in the meantime.

Declaration of interests

The content on this website (blog) reflect my personal views, and are not necessarily shared by any organization I am affiliated with, such as my employer (currently the Norwegian Institute of Public Health). The website does not depend on financial support.